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Pool Closing & Winterization

Winterized Pool

Atlantis Pool Service offers the following comprehensive pool closing and winterization services help protect your pool from freeze damage:

Swimming Pool Closing & Winterization

(General / Standard procedures.  Spa, heater, caretaker, trough, or water feature requires additional steps.)


  • Remove cover from storage and prepare for re-installation on pool

  • Open deck hardware for cover (or fill up waterbags for tarp-style cover)

  • Lower water (if necessary) to proper initial winterizing height

  • Extract and replace deck hardware that is seized (or replace damaged waterbags)

  • Remove ladders and handrails

  • Remove skimmer baskets, skimmer weirs, jet nozzles, and wall fittings

  • Install blowout winterizing blowout gizmos in skimmer(s)

  • Teflon-tape wrap all threaded plugs

  • Setup commercial / high-volume blower

  • Blow all underground lines

  • Cap all inlets and outlets while blowing to ensure complete evacuation of water from lines

  • Check to ensure all plugs and gizmos have an airtight seal and no bubbles are escaping with blower running

  • Airlock main drain / deep water liens

  • Add antifreeze to skimmer line(s)

  • Drain and winterize pump, filter, chlorinator, heater, and any other system components

  • Cover pool and secure with deck hardware (or waterbags)

  • Adjust spring / strap hardware to tighten cover, if necessary




Atlantis Winterguard Program

(Optional winter service to help protect your pool between closing and opening.)


  • One trip each month (November, December, January, February, and March) to check on pool, water level, cover, system, and related items.

  • Draining pool, as necessary on any and all visits, when rainfall has put water level at or above tile line of the pool.

  • Cleaning of leaves and debris off cover

  • Tightening of cover straps, as necessary

  • Shocking pool under the cover once over winter months (regardless of rainfall) to cut down on algae growth and improve water condition at opening.


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