Light Bulb Service Request

Disclaimer: Atlantis Pool Service offers our light bulb replacement service on a limited basis. This is not a routine service we offer throughout the season, but rather at select times, if and when our schedule allows.
Replacing light bulbs can ONLY be done when the water is clean, clear, and not freezing cold (ie, not when the pool is just opened or during the closing).
Additionally, changing a bulb can be much more time consuming than most people realize. It typically requires multiple trips due to the wide variety of bulbs that might be necessary for a given light (which isn't known until the light is removed from the pool on the first visit).
As such, replacing light bulbs is a low priority service for us.
If you submit a light bulb service request we will add you to the list of customers looking for this service and will contact you when we have the time and availability to do so. This typically happens in July and August, but we have had years when we have not had the time even during those months.
The good news is that if you would rather not wait for our limited availability, this is certainly the type of job that is DIY-friendly! There is nothing overly complicated about the process, it can just be time-consuming for a business like ours with a limited amount of time over the summer. If you are interested in trying to replace your own pool light bulb, this video provides a pretty good overview of the process:
If you would like to be added to our light bulb service request list, please fill out the form below so we have the pertinent details.